Pubg Pc Ninja
Ex-pro halo gamer ninja has a loyal following of thousands of gamers. he streams a variety of games including pubg. let’s take a look at his settings:. Pubg - ninja montage (funny moments, epic moments, & ninja trolling) pubg - ninja montage playlist: pubg giveaway: (this giveaway has ended) sponsored. Ninja pubg settings, config & gear includes sensitivity, screen scale, scoping, brightness and more like the pc specs & gear of this playerunknown's battlegrounds pro player..
Ninja - twitch. Richard tyler “ninja” blevins was born on june 5, 1991 and is a full-time twitch streamer for luminosity gaming. ninja started as a professional fps player in halo, h1z1 & pubg but has now moved on to focus on fortnite. ninja’s fortnite settings are close to average and a great starting point.. Ninja is why people watch, even according to ninja. "the entertainment, the reaction, just getting those kills—it’s just part of the energy and the vibe that i bring," ninja told pc gamer. "it.
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